Heat, mosquitoes and new purchases
It was soooo warm and heaty on Sunday night. Ended up, me and Alysha could not get the good sleep we should have. The stand fan was on the maximum volume and yet Alysha was trying very hard to sleep but then awoke due to the heat and also disturbances from the mosquitoes. I was like trying to get a nice sleep as well but I kept on waking up and the clock showed 12.30, 1.00, 2.15,3.00,3.30-this is when I noticed the porch light was switched off and I could see that the living room's light was switched on. Funny!!!I got up to see what's happening there and to my surprise I found out that all lights were switched on and Siti(my helper) was sweeping the floor.
I looked at her and said
'Siti, tahu tak jam berapa sekarang?'
and she did not answer but smile as usual.
I said to her again,
'Cuba tengok jam kat dinding tu betul2, baru jam tiga setengah, bukannya enam suku'.
She stopped sweeping the floor and erased her eyes while looking at the clock and then she said 'Oh ya...masih awal'.She switched off all the lights and went into her room.
The night ended with me waking up with a great headache yesterday morning!And my anger rose when seeing red dots mosquitoes bites on Alysha's hands,legs and cheeks. Bad mosquitoes!!!It is a routine for me to spray the insecticide before went to bed at night.
I was so hooked up with a discussion and meeting most of my working hours yesterday and the meeting seemed to be like going on endlessly with me having such a dizziness and headache at the same time. Just felt like to stomp out of the room and went back home to get a sleep...but I couldn't do that of course.
Later, after fetching Kakak & Abang from school at 6.20pm, I went straight to an electrical shop nearby my house. Without hesitation, I bought a York air conditioner and a Cornell chest freezer and the items will be sent and installed at my house TODAY..yippee (I have done the price survey few weeks ago among the elctrical shops available here). However, that was really not me..I mean...I will usually be doing the price checks over and over again, discuss with hubby like endlessly about my purchase plans and so on and so forth. This is really something new to me...maybe this is due to me being here all by myself without hubby around that I can make a very drastic decision..Well, whatever it is...I will be having a cool and nice sleep tonight with my children(yes, I forward my invitation to my kids to sleep with me as well..it is mean for me to have a nice sleep meanwhile they are fighting to sleep in such a heaty surrounding) and not to forget..I will have new spacious storage for my EBM!!!


Syukur alhamdulillah...despite of all the obstacles being far away from hubby, since working here, I managed to make my whole own savings which I did not manage to do when I was working in my previous company in Bangi before(I worked there for more than 6 years and I did not manage to save even A CENT!!!). The beauty of HIKMAH ALLAH...
mmg sekarang ni musim panas tul kan kak...saya ngan ray kekadang tidor asing2 gitu..selalunyer sayalah tidor kat sofa di ruang tamu..bila da sejuk2 gitu..pindah saya tido dalam bilik semula.
ReplyDeleteada kakak saya pelawa nak belikan aircon...but segan lah..kat umah mmg guna kipas siling..boleh lah..
mcm saya kata kan...cukup INDAH rezeki akak kat sana...baguslah tu kak..
awat siti terlebih rajin tuu..
tulah lin..wktu kt semenyih dulu,panas sana boleh tahan lagik..tp kat sini since tanah dasar tuh tanah lombong..apalagi..kita yg tinggal kat atas nih mmg meruap-ruap la panasnya..
ReplyDeletesi siti tuh silap tgk jam..kol 3.30 dia ingat kol 6.15 dah..tu yg kelam kabut sapu lantai..sib baik dia lom kejut syafiqah utk g sekolah lagik
wow.. dah ader deep freezer yer... syoknya! berapa capasity tuh? pasnih bersemangat laa wat stok ebm ekk... gambatte kak Ina!
ReplyDeletehihih, lawak laa helper akak tuh.. seb baik dier tak kejut budak2 utk pi skolah lagi..terlebih rajin tol.. :D
mummy hnh..
ReplyDeletemurah je deep freezer tuh..bila masuk ebm yg ciput tu,lompang je freezer tu..ni yg buat semangat nak memenuhkan freezer baru tuh..hehe..capacity 100liter klu x silap
kak...baru nampak freezer akak....tu hari tak nampak..tu yg tak commment tu...
ReplyDeletedulu my hb pon plan nak beli freezer kalau susu masyuk...tp tak tercapai hajat...dapat freezer biasa aja...tp besar...hehehe..
kak....semoga susu bertambah masyukkkkk
ReplyDeleteokla tuh,dapat gak fridge baru..hehe..amin...nak aksi up balik semangat fully bf alysha