Worst nightmare ever -Part 3

Yep...my HERO arrived...and I just did not expect Hubby to arrive that fast…he took only 2 hours++ to drive from Semenyih to Cangkat Melintang…wow…I was so relieved to see him though the actual problem was still left unresolved…tat the same time jugak, Doc Jefri arrived to see how things going on and to pfetch his wife and lil daughter...the lady doctor explained to me that Syafiqah need to be admitted to GH Ipoh for further treatment and she has prepared the referral letter to bring along…I had a second thought of…alang-alang dah nak kene pegi Ipoh, baik terus je admit kat my panel hosp. which is Ipoh Specialist Center and we informed the doctor on our decision…so, we went back to Seri Iskandar to leave my car and also to bring some clothes & other things along as we will be staying overnight at the hospital…but then hubby asked me if I really want to bring her to the hospital as he claimed that she did not encounter with any attacks during the journey from hosp Cgkt Melintang to our house...tak sampai 5 minit after saying that, dia kene lagi attack tuuuuu and I straight away insisted to go to the hospital so that it was better to be safe than sorry….my heart broke again when Alysha cried calling my name when seeing me leaving the house…oh dear!!! Kalaulah badan Ummi ni boleh dipecah kepada beberapa bahagian…senang sikit citer…dalam duk mengenangkan keadaan Syafiqah, I was so worried about Alysha too as this will be her 1st time ever to sleep without me on her side…

Sampai di Ipoh Specialist Center at 2 am, we were informed that all the rooms were fully occupied…oh no!!!!!not again!!!lepas satu...satu pulak halangan yang muncul….then, I told hubby that it’s better for us to just directly go to GH Ipoh instead of going to Pantai Puteri Hosp(another panel) as I’m not wasting any more time for this kind of thing…bila sampai kat GH Ipoh(for my 1st time ever), kat bhg. Kecemasan dan Trauma…masyaAllah…ramainya orang tengah tunggu giliran nak dapatkan rawatan at 2.20 am!!! Nasib baiklah ada referral letter dari hosp Cgkt Melintang…terus naik ke Level 6 dan terus dapat masuk wad 4 bedded room tapi hanya 2 katil saja yg ada patient (Syafiqah & a 1 year old baby)…I could still clearly remember that it’s 2.40 am & Syafiqah dah xde kene attack tu since bertolak dari rumah ke Ipoh…that’s a good sign…I suppose…the MA or MO tah datang bagitau yang ubat untuk reverse the effect hanya akan diberi if Syafiqah kene attack tu lagi…tapi since she’s stabilising, then, she might not need the IV drip with the medicine to reverse effect the Maxolon… I chose to stay with her in the room while hubby preferred to sleep in the car at the parking lot...later the nurses and MA and MO mula menjalankan tugas diorang…one after another…memang I could not sleep more than ½ hour kut sbb kejap-kejap ada je diorang check itu ini…Tanya Ummi itu ini….very thorough investigation…even questions like ‘dulu dia lahir brp kg? lahir cukup bulan ke tak? Is she doing well in school?,,,,etc’…kalau tak silap, yang investigate all her details tu namanya Dr Ong-medical officer…sangat polite doctor ni…in fact, all the nurses and MAs, MOs,Specialist sangat-sangatttttttttt baik & polite…I was really not expecting to get that kind of treatment…now sangkaan Ummi selama ni terhadap layanan govt hosp. dah berubah…

Another MA/MO later came to explain that no other visitors were allowed even though during‘Visiting hour’,,,only me and hubby were allowed to be there…and I was also reminded not to linger around…as I was sooo sleepy…I just nodded

The next morning, a lady MA came dan mula check itu ini..tanya itu ini etc…Ummi bgtau that Syafiqah dah okay…dia cakap Syafiqah boleh balik harini tapi kene tunggu MO datang check dulu…later, MO datang check dalam pukul 10am and bagitau everything was fine and we asked if we could discharged at once…unfortunately, he said that we had to wait for the Specialist to give a final check before we could go home…..tak lama lepas tu, the specialist datang….she explained everything about the attack and then only I knew that it was called as OCULAR GYRIC CRISIS…katanya, there were worst cases when the neck cramp and everything remain ed permanently…at that moment, I realised how serious it could be…syukur alhamdulillah…the crisis subsided dengan sendirinya

Then, the doc also explained why did we need to wear mask & to stay put in the room because the ward is specially catered for I-L-I PATIENTS!!!!!!!!! I was like…..what! have I put ourselves into!!!!She explained that Syafiqah was placed there due to the fact that she has developed fever, cough and vomitting the few days before…and she was also an asthmatic child…masyaAllah…Tuhan aje yg tahu betapa takutnya Ummi mengenangkan kami dikelilingi patients yang mungkin ada H1N1+ virus!hanya tawakkal dan doa yang mampu Ummi buat waktu tu…hubby cepat-cepat minta kebenaran nak discharge sebab taknak lama-lama lagi spend masa kat situ…at first, the nurse cakap kalau nak discharge kene tunggu lambat sikit due to the procedure nak kene tunggu specialist habiskan lawatan ke atas semua patient…siap nurse tu cakap ‘takpelah…tunggu lama sikit…makan-makan dulu japgi’….adeh…macam le kitaorang nih nak tunggu lelama sbb nak menjamu selera ngan makanan hospital pulak…sib baik hubby cecepat bagi reason nak balik cepat sbb rumah jauh & nak urus anak pegi sekolah…hemm…nasib baik hubby boleh berfikir cepat bagi alasan yang munasabah...x sampai 15 minit…selesai pon all the necessary documentations…dan Syafiqah jugak diberi an Allergy card indicated that she’s allergic to Maxolon…and she should NEVER EVER consume that Maxolon again…


  1. fuuuhhhh.... lega..... cuak gak dgr....

  2. mamaAdwan

    alhamdulillah..semua nightmare dah berakhir

  3. wah..... khusyuk kak has baca dari part 1 sampai part 3. Alhamdullilah anak hez getting better.

  4. Kak Has

    tulah kak has..mmg sedey+geram+panic semua bercampur2


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