Coffee- pregnancy

pic from here
Ummi memang seorang coffee lover
tapi Ummi tak berapa suka nescafe
kalo minum nescafe, Ummi akan either pening kepala
or get bloated
yang buatkan Ummi jatuh chenta dengan kopi nih
adalah instant coffee CNI with ginseng
memang sedapppp
dah terai ginseng,
Ummi terai tongkat ali pulak
hahaha....salah ke minum tongkat ali?
then Ummi suka jugak keluaran Power Root
AliCafe & Pearl
waktu preggie 1st trimester aritu
keinginan nak minum kopi terus ilang
maybe sebab duk mabuk² morning sickness
takde perasaan nak minum @ makan mcm biasa
tapi once cecah 2nd trimester
dah ilang morning sickness
Ummi dah teruja semula utk minum kopi
memang takleh tahannnn
nak jugakkkkk
tapi setakat secawan sehari
dan Ummi pastikan amik pil kalsium b4 tido malam
untuk ganti balik kalsium yang ilang dek minum kopi
aci tak???
then, Ummi jumpa artikel ni pulak dari BabyCentre:
Is it safe to have my morning cup of coffee during pregnancy?
Expert Answers
Yes. A morning cup is fine, but to be safe I would suggest that you limit your daily consumption to two cups (since some coffees may contain as much as 100 mg. each).A very extensive study a few years ago looked at women very early in pregnancy. The study found no effects on the fetus when moms drink up to three cups of coffee a day; very few women drank more than that. A more recent study found an increased risk of miscarriage when pregnant women drank more than 200 mg of caffeine per day.
I generally recommend decaffeinated products, but if you must have caffeine, don't have more than one small cup a day.In studies of dairy cattle, when pregnant cows were given more than the equivalent of three cups daily, their calves were born smaller. Too much caffeine also cuts down on blood flow to the placenta, and you don't want to do that because the baby won't be getting as much oxygen or as many nutrients.A new study in San Francisco of 1,000 women in their first trimester has shown a doubling of miscarriage at 200 mg of caffeine per day. That's about the amount of caffeine you'd get if you drank 2 small cups of coffee or 5 cans of caffeinated soda. (Women who drank 200 mg. of caffeine per day had a miscarriage rate of 25 percent; those who drank 100 mg per day had a miscarriage rate of 15 percent, and those who drank no caffeine had a rate of 12 percent.)Based on this new data, I would recommend no more than one small cup (no extra large cups of coffee) or can of products with caffeine per day. (That's a total, so you'll need to avoid multiple sources of caffeine on the same day.) In addition, avoid consuming energy drinks and other products that contain large amounts of caffeine.
saya pula gilos kat nescafe O..hari2 nescafe dalam 2 gelas...kopi O pun layan jg...
ReplyDeletetp since pregnant hari tu dan until skrg langsung x de minum menda2 tu...
dalam sebulan mungkin sekali dua gitu atau x de langsung minum..
rasanyer mmg nak stop terus..demi kalsium badan...
tp mmg sedap kopi2 yg akak cakp tu...lemak2 gitu.....ishhh sodapnyer..
dulu tak minat minum nescafe n sewaktu dengannya..tapi, la ni dah berubah plak..lg2 en suami mmg suka sgt minum nescafe..tapi ayu tak berani minum banyak2 sbb still lg bf baby..^_^
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ReplyDeleteowh..suka nescafe ye?hehe...elok jugak tu stop minum terus...
ReplyDeleteminum sikit setakat lepaskan addict dahle kan..:)
nescafe o memang sedap bila minum sewaktu ujan....sangat yaman....heheheheeh
ReplyDeleteibu umairah...
ReplyDeletewah...mesti peminum tegar nes O jugak ni ye...:)
owhhhh.. kita serupaaaa.. hik hik hik..
ReplyDeleteapa pun yg kita suka ambillah dgn cara sederhana. nk tahan2 sgt kang kita jugak meroyan. ely ni faris da masuk 9 bulan alhamdulillah supply bole menten even digelar coffee addicted!! ;)
btw, cuba try kopi instant Elken... perghh...!!! lagi terangkat ai tell you dr CNI.. err.. kat tekak ku ini lahh.. ahahahaha..:)
ReplyDeletehaha hi5 sket....mmg coffee addicted nih susah nak di stop...alhamdulillah...tak semua org ada efek yg sama pd pengeluaran susu ibu
kopi Elken ye?heheh...nk kene g carik nih...thanks