Adam's first day at school-Part 2

I'm not sure if it was only at SKSI or it happened everywhere that parents nowadays are so concerned with their kids...sebabnya, not only mommies but daddies pon turun padang sama menjayakan kemeriahan anak masuk Tahun Satu...even tengahari tadi, I just went to see how Adam was doing at the my surprise, ada lebih daripada 30 parents yang masih menunggu di kantin memerhatikan anak-anak mereka termasuklah para bapa yang prihatin(working daddies of course, with their neck ties, name tags/staff tags etc)...I was approached a few times by Year One students who mistakenly thought that I was one of the teachers..hehe..aura pendidik tu tetap ada kan...sian budak-budak tu...tak tahu masuk kelas mana...I took the initiative to check their names and brought them into their correct queuing lines...
They are soooo cute..lil' cute standard ones...comel-comel je...ada yang muka takut..ada yang muka sedih..ada yang muka blur..ada yang muka nakal...macam-macam ada...yang pastinya, Adam tetap kool...konfiden je muka dia..takde riak takut,risau,sedih etc...
I went to his school for 2 consecutive days..mula-mula gi hantar 7 tunggu sampai dia masuk kelas..pastu balik rehat jap..pastu kol 3 pegi semula untuk bersama Adam waktu rehat(Tahun 1 rehat pukul 3.00-3.30pm) disambung dengan masa rehat Haiqal 3.30-4.00pm...pastu balik umah lagi...then pegi semula ke sekolah kol 6pm untuk tunggu diorang balik sekolah..penat wooo....tulang-temulang sumer rasa dah lembek...tapi, it's worthy...


  1. tu lah...fikir2 kak ina mesti bz sebab adam da masuk darjah 1...

  2. lin
    memang bz pon...dah 3 org anak naik sekolah...fuhhh


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